

    My Grandfather's medals. As I said earlier, I don't think my
Grandfather was involved in any act of extreme bravery or excitement.
He was involved in two major battles. You may like to find out a bit more about them. :- El Alamein  and Tobruk.

    My Grandfather was one of the lucky ones because he came back alive. He got married, had two children and six grandchildren. Many young men of his generation weren't so lucky.  However, there's one thing that I'm quite sure of. We must never forget what they did.

Now that you've finished looking at Bill's photographs, would you like to try a little test? Tell your teacher that there is an e mail test available at  Tell your teacher that they need to register at the site, then find the "Grandad's War" quiz.
    I hope you enjoyed this little look through Bill's photographs.
If you'd like more information, you can e mail me.

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